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Our Investor Pitch Deck

Pitching your business idea to potential investors is an art form. You need to convince them in a short period that your startup is worth their time and money. The more successful founders know how to make this process as smooth as possible through effective preparation.

What are Pitch Decks?

A pitch deck presentation or investors pitch deck is a brief overview of a startup, or an existing business presented to a group of potential investors to achieve a target investment.

What are Pitch Decks?

A pitch deck presentation or investors pitch deck is a brief overview of a startup, or an existing business presented to a group of potential investors to achieve a target investment.

Why Need a Pitch Deck?

A Pitch deck is a tested and approved method of seeking startup investment and running businesses as well. It is a meetup for the proposed business partners. Sharing well-defined startup business ideas directly to the investors (no matter whether angel investors or maybe a venture capitalist) has eliminated many hurdles in raising seed funds or other series investments.

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Startup Stages Where Investor Pitch Decks Are Needed

Seed Funding Stage

In this stage, the entrepreneur requires relatively small funds to conduct business feasibility studies, develop prototypes, evaluate market potential, protect intellectual property, and investigate other aspects of the business idea.

At the end of the seed financing phase, the entrepreneurs decide whether to move forward with a commitment to creating a business or to leave the idea based on its feasibility reports.

Pre-Launch Funding Stage

The pre-launch stage starts with the decision of creating a business. A detailed business plan that translates the creation and functionality of the business is needed at this stage. Requires substantially more funding than the seed stage. It is observed that angel investors are interested to invest in the pre-launching stage. The measures commonly taken in pre-launching are:

  • Creation of a legal entity that defines the working boundaries of the business
  • Acquiring land and facilities for the business
  • Acquiring equipment and assets for the business operations
  • Hiring management for the business
  • Obtaining license
  • Distribution development
  • Marketing relationships
  • Supply chain roadmap

Startup Funding Stage

In the startup stage also known as the launching stage, production or services whichever is applicable are initiated and sales occur. For this purpose, the business hires employees and establish product or services in the target marketplace. The financing of the startup stage involves bridge financing starting from the pre-launch stage till the operation starts. Startup funding meets the following expenditures:

  • Working capital for business operations
  • Provision for any losses during the startup phase
  • Contingency fund to meet any unexpected interruption
  • Pre-launch financing and startup funding could occur at the same time

Pitch Deck Presentation Deliverable

Designed hundreds of pitch decks for complex and innovative business ideas, that raised millions of dollars in seed funding, pre-launching, and startup stages. Captivating designs, engaging stories, and arresting infographics create an impression that lasts for years.

Pitching business presentations on a standard the investors are looking for. Pattern includes the following slides that can be replaced and shuffled as per clients’ requirements:

Business overview or value proposition

Who you are and what values are you going to provide

Problem slide

A problem that your product or services are going to solve

The solution

A product or service provides the solution to the problem discussed earlier

Target market

A group of people sharing similar demographics and user experience


Competitive analysis of similar products or services and how to meet the challenges of competition

Marketing and sales strategy

How the product will be established and how it will dominate the target market

Business Model

How the business work to generate revenue

Traction (Roadmap)

Timeline and phases, the business will grow and expand in the market


Financial plans and a quick forecast for profit & loss, cash flows, and asset management plan for two to three years, can be presented in charts or infographics.


Name of credible team members with their work experience relevant to the product or service introduced in the deck

Investment and use of funds

A comprehensive plan that reflects how the investments will come and how the use of funds will be made positive, safe, and secure.

We at Pitch Deck Guru produce several growth accelerations features for our clients according to their business needs. Most common tools include Whitepapers, eBooks, Business Reporting, Executive Summaries, and Research Articles.
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